The Autobiography Project

Your Autobiographies

Mary Keenan's Autobiography (submitted 5/5/06)

I was asked one day in class, by a teacher I barely knew, to continue the following sentence, " If I could do things my way I'd..." It took about 2 seconds for me to consider what I'd do. My pen hit the paper, and away I went...

If things went my way,
"My Way,"
What a thought!

I'd have...

The Freedom to speak.
Speak whatever.

The Freedom to look
My Way.
No judgement,
No laughs.

The Freedom to not.
To not do what they say.

My choices,
My freedom,
My respect.
My way.

The same teacher who offered the reading prompt then asked for volunteers to read aloud.
Instantly, my hand shot up.

The paper shook as I stood. My voice, once courageous and sturdy, now slightly wavered.

I read aloud my poetry with no question to what anyone thought, except for the teacher. I wanted the pride and satisfaction of a "Good Job, Mary," or a pat on the back.

After my voice quieted and stopped, I sat back down. She stood,nonchalantly, and asked my classmate to read his writing aloud, while offering my work no comment.

He got a "Good Job," and sat back down and droned on to his friends about basketball, obviously brushing off the teacher's compliment. Me, I'm still waiting for that "Good job."

Questions?  Contact Nicola Twilley at 215.545.3870.  Media contact: Kim Rothwell, 215.790.7837.
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