The Autobiography Project

Your Autobiographies

Alexis Bradley's Autobiography (submitted 5/23/06)

Did I ever tell you about the time when I went swimming. I was having so much fun until some boy came over to me and picked me up me up and threw me in the water. I started to cry but I was okay.
After that happened me and my sisters went to the playground. We swung on the swing and played jump rope. When we left we went home to wash off all the chlorine. While we were outside my neighbor asked us whether we could go to the store for her. We said yes. We went to the store and brought back the wrong thing. Then we went back and still brought back the same thing by a mistake, so she said never mind, it's okay, I'll go. It was a good exercise, too. My sister was so mad. I was cracking up.
They started chasing me and when they caught me I got beat up. I got beat up so bad but when they were done with me I was still laughing. Our neighbor gave us some money for going to the store and bringing back the wrong thing. We all laughed and chilled in the sun. We had a great time that beautiful sunny day.

Questions?  Contact Nicola Twilley at 215.545.3870.  Media contact: Kim Rothwell, 215.790.7837.
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