David James Dove
ca. 1708 - 1769
Dr. David Dove came to Philadelphia from England in 1750 with over a decade of teaching experience, and was appointed to teach English in the Philadelphia Academy founded by Franklin and his associates (the parent institution of the University of Pennsylvania). He is reputed to have been a gifted teacher, but argumentative and sarcastic. He had strong ideas about education, and soon began planning his own school, in competition against the Academy. He was forced to resign in 1753, taking many students with him. In 1762 his new school, the Germantown Academy, opened, and is still thriving. However, his ill temper and inability to work with others drove him from that, as well. The school he started in a building next-door to the Academy failed, as did a third attempt. He died in 1769.

Dove and Franklin clashed over Franklin's failed election effort of 1764, and over the affair of the Paxton Boys. In that instance Franklin anonymously expressed outrage over the slaughter of the Conestoga Indians; Dove "unmask'd" the supposedly peaceful Quakers' readiness to take up arms to defend "perfidious Savages."

See: www.archives.upenn.edu/histy/features/1700s/people/dove_davidjas.html; www.time.com/time/archive; and www.explorepahistory.com