Portrait bust of Benjamin Franklin (Caffiéri - Royal Soc. of Arts), probably 1777
Photo courtesy of Royal...
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Photo courtesy of Royal Society of the Arts, London

  • Overview
  • Description
  • Further Information
"In Pursuit of Genius : Jean-Antoine Houdon and the Sculpted Portraits of Benjamin Franklin," at the Philadelphia Museum of Art, 5/13/06 - 7/30/06. No catalogue. Jack Hinton, Curator of the exhibition, provided significant assistance in the creation of this entry.
Related Publications

Sellers, Charles Coleman, Benjamin Franklin in Portraiture (New Haven: Yale University, 1962) Pp. 202 -203, Pl. 16.

Caffiéri gave one copy of the bust to Franklin; Franklin bought others to give as gifts. In 1783, William Temple Franklin is recorded as having given two busts of his grandfather, one by Caffiéri and one by Houdon, to Pahin de la Blancherie, an organizer of of Paris' Salon de la Correspondence. In 1791, this bust was a gift to the Royal Society of Arts from Blancherie, who had emigrated to London and remianed there til his death. The 1783 date of gift that it may have been one owned by Franklin, or purchased by him to be presented in his name.
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