Franklin Portrait World Premier
April 7, 2006
Concert Celebration of Benjamin Franklin’s 300th Birthday. Franklin, MA High School Band, Chorus, & Orchestra performing with instrumentalists and Chamber Singers of the University of New Hampshire Music Department. Featuring music by Christopher Kies. The program will also include a lecture and performances on the Glass Armonica by Alisa Nakashian-Holsberg. Sponsored by the UNH Vice President for Research and Public Service Discretionary Fund. There will be concerts on Friday April 7th at 7:30 p.m. in Franklin, MA, and Saturday April 8th at 8:00 p.m. in Durham, N.H.(see calendar listing for N.H.). Horace Mann Auditorium, Franklin High School, 218 Oak St., Franklin, Massachusetts, 02038, United States. 7:30 p.m. Free.
(508) 541-2100 ext. 3098.