Organize Calendar Tell a Friend Forum Press Ben Franklin 300
Questions? Contact Nicola Twilley, (215) 545-3870
Media Contact: Cheri A. LaSpada, (215) 790-7825

Ben Franklin Coffeehouse Challenge

To help you invite people to your Coffeehouse Challenge we've created two tools: a jpeg image that you can paste into email invitations, and a pdf letter that you can download, print, and mail out.

Instructions: Click to open the pdf, then choose to print in your browser window. Remember to fill in all the blanks before mailing the invitation out!
Instructions: Right-click (or control-click if you're on a Mac) on this image and choose to copy it (if you're ready to email now) or save it (to use later.) Then paste it into your email invitation and resize it if necesssary. Remember to add a personal message that includes the date, time, venue, and discussion issue of your Coffeehouse Challenge, as well as your contact details for RSVPs or questions.

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